- Honey, if I were a pork chop I'd want to wind up in your kitchen, for sure. - You'd never fit in the pan. (husband laughing) (children laugh) - What are you laughing at? - My pork chops, they love 'em. I hate 'em. Not my pork chops but the grease they make. It seems to get on everything. Even your hands feel greasy when the dishwater gets greasy but look what I've found. Dawn, new Dawn. A new dish washing liquid that really works on grease. I don't know how it works, but new Dawn really gets to grease. [Announcer] Here's how Dawn works. We'll add a half-cup of strained pork grease to Dawn and dishwater. See how Dawn gets hold of grease, clears up the water. It's amazing how Dawn helps get grease out of your way, even away from your hands. - Dawn helps keep grease away from pans, dishes, even my hands don't feel greasy. [Announcer] Get new Dawn Dish Washing Liquid. Dawn gets to grease, so grease won't get to you.