- Up, good afternoon afternoon Mr. Power. - Hello Harry Timmy: Dad, dad. - Timmy what's the matter? - I only had one. - One? - Cavity. (laughter) - That's good, but you should. - How many cavities? - Just one. - I'm sorry sir, he's excited. - What caused the improvement? - Let's see I - Dad mom switched to Crest, remember? - That's right we switched to Crest. - Excuse me but you really think Crest did it? - Well ma'am we've tried a lot of toothpaste but now with Crest, it's the best he's ever done. - Keep up the good work young man. Narrator: These are the five leading toothpastes. You'd know that names but only one has fluoride. The most effective cavity fighter ever put in a toothpaste. Only Crest. Crest is the one with this ceiling statement accepted by the Council on Dental Therapeutics of the American Dental Association. - Have checkups, watch treats, and brush after eating with Crest the cavity fighter.