(sneezing) - How are you feeling, honey? - Awful. My nose is still stuffy and sniffling. I'm sneezing. My throat is scratchy and I'm coughing. I just feel like I wish I could get some rest. - Do you remember when I had my cold, sweetheart? - Yeah. - I took Vicks NyQuil, the night-time cold medicine. - Oh yeah. - NyQuil relieved my cold symptoms for hours. So I got the rest I needed. So I brought some NyQuil for you. - Oh, thank you! - All by itself, NyQuil relieve sniffles. - Sneezes? - And sneezes. - Stuffy nose? - Stuffy nose. Minor throat irritation. Coughing. Aches. Pains. - Everything I've got. - That's right. NyQuil relieves more major cold symptoms than the leading capsules do. And it relieves those cold symptoms for hours to help you get the rest you need. Now finish your NyQuil. You're going to feel better in the morning. - Oh, you're a good husband, Harold. Narrator: Vicks NyQuil, the one thing to take for your cold.