- Alice, let's turn over a new leaf and we'll start by getting rid of this toothpaste. - George are you nutty? That's our Crest. - Out, out, out! - George, you've got to be joking. - Ma, he's just gone through a stage. - Hurry up Henry, you'll miss your bus. - Alice, let's win a little. New car, new tie, new toothpaste. - Maybe even a new wife. You're the one who did all the beefing about cavities, cavities, cavities, remember? - Sure, I pay the bills. - Well, Henry just had a checkup. - Get to the point Alice. - This time he only had one cavity. - I don't care, what? - One cavity, since we switched toothpaste. - And you know what? Just could be the Crest. - I wonder where he got that idea. - Say Alice, look at this. Some nutty guy just tried to throw away the Crest.