♪ Yikes stripes, Beech-Nut's got it ♪ ♪ Buy Beech-Nut, buy gum ♪ ♪ Yikes, spikes, in Fruit Stripe gum ♪ ♪ By gosh ♪ ♪ No, buy gum ♪ ♪ Buy Beech-Nut, buy Beech-Nut ♪ ♪ Buy gum, buy gum ♪ ♪ Buy Fruit Stripe, buy Fruit Stripe ♪ ♪ Buy gum, buy gum ♪ ♪ Yikes stripes, buy Beech-Nut, buy Beech-Nut ♪ ♪ Buy gum, by golly, buy gum ♪ - With five different flavors with extra flavor for the whole family in every stripe. ♪ All for you in every pack of ♪ ♪ Beech-Nut Fruit Stripe Gum ♪ ♪ Buy Beech-Nut, buy Gum, ♪ Beech-Nut Fruit Stripe for the whole family by gum.