>> This is Mr. John Barry Rogers. He feels weak as a kitten; so stuffed up with a cold. He could take Aspirin and go to bed-- it's good for pain and fever-- but Aspirin doesn't relieve nasal congestion that can ruin sleep. That's why Mr. Rogers never goes to bed with a cold without Vick's Vapor Rub. Vapor Rub helps relieve breathing congestion eight full hours-- delightful! Vapor Rub eases cold, achy muscles and all night through, for eight full hours, he'll breath in Vapor Rub vapor medications. They help clear stuffy nose, soothe irritated throat, relieve upper bronchial congestion. Vapor Rub helps him sleep all night; wake up on his way to feeling strong as a tiger. Mr. John Barry Rogers never goes to bed with a cold without Vick's Vapor Rub. Neither does his father, his mother, or his big sister, Sue. All the family get eight hour, all night relief with Vick's Vapor Rub.