- Hi! How was the vacation? Sorry. What's with her? - Her wash is gorgeous. - Must be my wash. Hers looks so dull and dingy, like mine did until I found new Enzyme Bold. - She must have a new detergent. - No more stains. No dullness. My clothes are so bright. Love you Enzyme Bold! - Mine's clean. Even the blueberry stains came out. How come hers looks better, brighter? - Takes more than cleaning power to get clothes bright and new Enzyme Bold has more. Look! Green, white and blue things! - Those reds. The yellows! Her white's the whitest and I sent her a jumbo postcard for the Grand Canyon. - She did send me that weird postcard. Well, oh! Clumsy of me. - A new Bold? - With enzymes. See how bright? - Well, now that you mention it, Male Narrator: New Enzyme Bold goes beyond cleaning and stain removal. Gets clothes bright.