(melodic music) Narrator: This skipjack racer knows the value of an extra margin. In the crash helmet he wears. In the cigarette he smokes. ♪ Every Parliament gives you extra margin ♪ Narrator: Extra margin because parliament puts the filter where it does you the most good. Recessed a neat clean quarter inch away. Extra margin because tobacco tastes best when the filter's recessed. ♪ No doubt about the filter ♪ ♪ No doubt about the flavor ♪ ♪ Parliament gives you extra margin ♪ ♪ Parliament gives you extra margin ♪ ♪ The filter's recessed and made to stay ♪ ♪ A neat clean quarter inch away ♪ ♪ Parliament gives you extra margin ♪ ♪ Parliament gives you extra margin ♪ ♪ You're smoking neat. You're smoking clean. ♪ ♪ With Parliament today. ♪