Announcer: Now Texaco can help you stop the ice that stops your car. You really can't see the ice building up in your fuel line and carburetor, but you can feel it when you car won't start or when it balks and stops on the road. Now, here in Chicago, Texaco gives you the protection of Ice-Chek, a new ice fighting ingredient that Texaco blends into its climate-controlled gasolines. Ice-Chek plus climate control, that's how Texaco doubles your protection in cold weather, (engine revs) gives you faster cold engines, freedom from cold weather stalling, and because of special blending process, Texaco gasolines deliver more long-lasting protection against fuel line freeze up than any other gasoline. You get Ice-Chek protection in every gallon of Texaco's climate-controlled gasolines, Sky Chief Supreme and Fire Chief, Texaco's regular priced gasoline. Get either one today from your Texaco dealer.