(man speaking in foreign language) Translator: So then they undressed me. So I was naked in that room. They set me on the table, they made me lie down on the table. And so then what happened was that they operated on me. The doctor was standing behind me and he started to operate. And what he did was he put me to sleep. He gave me an anesthetic, but I thought he was going to give me a general anesthetic, but what he did was a half anesthetic which means that I was semi-conscious. Why? He had his reasons. This way he could go on with the operation while at the same time so I could feel the surgery, the pain from the surgery. And at the same time, interrogators were asking me questions. So that is a technique, apparently well-documented. Later I found out it was a commonly used technique. At the same time as they were operating on me, they were interrogating me. That meant that I endured the pain of the surgery while at the same time I was facing two interrogators who are interrogating me and bombarding me with questions throughout the surgery actually. That's a fact. So that went on for, I don't know, a very, very long time. And at that point I really was in pain. It was a very, very, very hard time.