(man speaking in foreign language) Translator: There were times when they had given us some books to read and there were other times when we had nothing. They take everything back, they take all the books back. They keep them for three months, and I don't know, it was just to create a mood. They remove the books, then they return them to us. Then they take them back, then they return them. So that we have to think of that instead of thinking about getting out. In other words, every time they removed the books, we're forced to make some noise, to rebel. Only for the books, or for that kind of stuff, which keeps us from thinking about leaving. From asking them, why are we here already? When each time, the soldiers start to create small problems. For example, they would throw the Qur'an on the ground. They would insult the detainees. They would create problems so that we were always distracted by those small matters which kept us from thinking about being freed.