(gentle piano music) (choir singing faintly) (gentle piano music) (choir singing faintly) (gentle piano music) (choir singing faintly) (gentle piano music) (choir singing faintly) (gentle piano music) (choir singing faintly) (gentle piano music) (choir singing faintly) (soft piano music) (soft piano music) (soft piano music) - And David proclaimed Solomon the son of Bathsheba king over Israel and over Judah. (soft piano music) And Nathan the priest said, "Before all Israel and before Jehovah, we anoint as king Solomon the son of David." (soft piano music) And the people shouted, "God save King Solomon." (bright piano music) (soft piano music) And while Nathan crowned Solomon, David went up and looked upon the temple for the last time. (soft piano music) And David said, "The spirit of God is within me. One cometh after me to lead my people in the fear of the Lord. (soft piano music) O how good it was to live. I thank thee God thou who gives me life." (soft piano music) (soft piano music) (woman singing faintly) (soft piano music) (woman singing faintly) (soft piano music) (woman singing faintly) (soft piano music) (choir singing faintly) (soft piano music) (choir singing brightly) (soft piano music) (choir singing brightly) (soft piano music) (choir singing brightly) (soft piano music) (woman singing faintly) (soft piano music) (woman singing faintly) (gentle piano music) (choir singing faintly) (gentle piano music) (choir singing brightly) (gentle piano music) (choir singing brightly) (gentle piano music) (choir singing brightly) (gentle piano music) (choir singing brightly) (gentle piano music) (choir singing brightly) (gentle piano music) (choir singing brightly) (gentle piano music) (choir singing brightly) (gentle piano music) (choir singing brightly) (bright piano music) (bright piano music) (choir singing brightly) (gentle piano music) (gentle piano music) (choir singing brightly) ♪ Hallelujah ♪ ♪ Hallelujah ♪ (gentle piano music) (choir singing brightly) ♪ Hallelujah ♪ ♪ Hallelujah ♪ ♪ Hallelujah ♪ ♪ Hallelujah ♪ ♪ Hallelujah ♪ (gentle piano music) (choir singing brightly) - O God, as we give and dedicate these gifts, we give and dedicate ourselves to search for truth, that truth which liberates the mind and frees the spirit; to seek the way, that way of justice and charity for one and for all; to find the life, the life which enriches and sustains. Into Christ who is the way, the truth and the life for us all, we give praise and honor, world without end. Amen. - On this Founders' Day, we not only celebrate the founding of Duke University and pay tribute to those who had a part in it, especially Mr. Duke, but today we recognize as a university one of our special friends who has meant much to the people of this region and to Duke University by conferring an honorary degree on Mr. Alfred Johnston Fletcher. As the sponsor for the trustees, Mary Semans, and the sponsor for the faculty, Professor Frank Tiro, I will ask them to escort Mr. Fletcher to the front. So to help Mary up there, Mr. Fletcher. - Mr. President, it is my distinct pleasure to present Alfred Johnston Fletcher as a candidate for the honorary degree, Doctor of Humane Letters. His nomination has been approved by the academic council of the University faculties and by the board of trustees of Duke University. Mr. A.J. Fletcher. - It is with special pleasure that Duke University greets a distinguished North Carolina citizen. Young and vigorous man of 88 years and acknowledges this long and productive life of service in the advancement of culture and education in the musical arts. Alfred Johnston Fletcher, we are honored by your presence here in our chapel today. And we are in your debt for having founded the Grassroots Opera Company, the National Opera Company so that millions of North Carolina children might receive the magic of operatic masterpieces and live performance. Your special interest in music for children has led you to other creative contributions. And a pre-collegiate string school now flourishes because of your generosity. The careers of hundreds of musically-gifted young people throughout the state have been encouraged by your inspiration and your dedication. We see trumps of your labor in the professional arena where many of your former charges have attained significant achievements. You did these things, not for yourself, but for your love of the art of music and your appreciation of the cultural needs of a civilized society. By the authority vested in me, I confer upon you the Degree of Doctor of Humane Letters. And I admit you to its rights, its privileges, and its obligations. (soft piano music) (soft piano music) (soft piano music) (soft piano music) (soft piano music) (bright piano music) (choir singing brightly) (bright piano music) (choir singing brightly) (bright piano music) (choir singing brightly) (bright piano music) (choir singing brightly) (bright piano music) (choir singing brightly) (bright piano music) (choir singing brightly) (bright piano music) (choir singing brightly) (bright piano music) (choir singing brightly) (bright piano music) - The grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the love of God, the communion and fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you and with those whom you love now and forever. ♪ Amen ♪ ♪ Amen ♪ ♪ Amen ♪ ♪ Amen ♪ (gentle piano music) (gentle piano music) (gentle piano music) (gentle piano music) (gentle piano music) (gentle piano music) (gentle piano music) (gentle piano music) (gentle piano music) (gentle piano music) (gentle piano music) (gentle piano music) (gentle piano music) (gentle piano music) (gentle piano music) (gentle piano music) (soft piano music) (soft piano music) (soft piano music) (soft piano music) (soft piano music) (soft piano music) (soft piano music) (soft piano music) (soft piano music) (soft piano music) (soft piano music) (soft piano music) (soft piano music) (soft piano music) (soft piano music) (gentle piano music) (gentle piano music) (gentle piano music) (audience clapping)