- Honey, my shirts haven't been very comfortable all summer. Have you stopped using Bounce? - Mom, my bathrobe feels kind of scratchy, aren't you using Bounce anymore? - These jeans are as stiff as a board, mom. What happened to the Bounce? - That's what my family said when I gave Bounce a summer vacation and tried line drying. To get the outdoor freshness we like I never realized I'd be giving up comfort for my family. Besides, it did take extra time to carry this out to the line and back. That's why I'm putting Bounce back to work. Bounce eliminates the bother of line drying. The heat of the dryer releases the unique fresh smell and softening ingredients of Bounce to all our clothes. - My shirt feels soft and comfortable again. - My bathrobe's soft again. - My jeans feel great like they used to. - And everything smells outdoor fresh. I'll never give Bounce a summer vacation again. Why should my family be less comfortable in summer? Bounce, for the freshness of line drying without the stiffness and without the bother.