(captain singing merrily) - What the... Scope. A mouthwash. Somebody's trying to tell me I've got bad breath. What's this? "Once in the morning does it! The Green Phantom." Well, I'll fix that Green Phantom! All right! All hands on deck! (alarm whoops) Fall in! You! Davis! - Sir? - Are you the Green Phantom? - Oh, Scope! Powerful stuff. Tastes good too. Me? No! - You! Stand right there, mister. - Captain? - Did you put this in my flowerpot? - Scope! Tremendous! I use it every day first thing in the morning, and my breath feels fresher for hours. Me? Oh, I wouldn't. - You there! Attention! You're the Green Phantom! - Captain? Excuse me, sir. I can't be! Look! He got me too! Announcer: Before the Green Phantom strikes you, get Scope. Once in the morning does it.