(crowd cheering) - Villanova Stadium, Mike Wallace speaking. In the pole vault, that crossbar is a long way off. And, at the top, a matter of inches can make the all important difference. Same thing in smoking pleasure. A little difference can mean a lot. That's why Parliament's quarter inch recess is so important to you. ♪ In a Parliament the filter is recessed to say ♪ ♪ A quarter inch away, a quarter inch away ♪ ♪ Yes a quarter inch away is where the filter is placed ♪ ♪ So no filter feedback can spoil the taste ♪ ♪ Tobacco tastes best when the filter's recessed ♪ ♪ Smoke Parliament ♪ - Parliament, with its famous high fire recessed filter, is continually tested for uniformity by the United States Testing Company. And your own good taste tells you the flavor is pure and true. ♪ Tobacco tastes best when the filter's recessed ♪ ♪ Smoke Parliament ♪ Mike: Popular price.