Blond boy: Can't believe this. Check the map. - [Boy with glasses] What's wrong? What's wrong? Blond boy: The pizzas are getting cold. - Hold on, hold on, hold on. Blond boy: It's got to be around here. - It's over there. - No, it's not in my face. Check on the map. On radio: Cancel that order, guys. - All right! - Yeah! - Let's eat! - You want a Coke? - No, make it a Pepsi. - Well, what's the diff? (thunder clapping) - I can't believe you said that! (tense music) (whimsical music) - The difference is one tastes better. - This one! - You chose Pepsi. Narrator: The majority of soft drink users tested prefer the taste of Pepsi over Coke Classic. (upbeat music) (crickets chirping) Blond boy: So, you want sausage or pepperoni? - [Boy with glasses] What's the diff? (car breaks screeches)