- Hey, hold still! You know as a registered nurse, I've diapered, plenty of bouncing babies and Margie here is one of the bounciest, but she's still a baby. Needs lots of special care. And Ivory Snot is part of it cause it cleans ivory, safe. Leave everything that touches tender skin free from harsh deposit, far softer than detergents could people who make baby clothes recommend Ivory Snow. Like PA change company, maker of this wonderful snap side shirt. As Margie grows, the shirt grows with her, see? Just snip the thread and expandable tabs that Margie shirt fits perfectly. Fine, free sleeves add to her comfort too. Hanes also makes Margie's adorable flower kimono, and all Hanes baby clothes carry the recommendation: wash in Ivory Snow. Good advice for it's a safest possible soap a mother can use.