(paper crunching) Announcer: Now, strawberries inside a box of cornflakes. New Post Cornflakes & Strawberries. (cereal pouring) That's right, now strawberries come inside a box of cornflakes. A splash of milk and instant strawberries bloom. (crunching) - They're real strawberries, all right Announcer: The plumpest, juiciest strawberries they could find, and all they do is slice them, make them instant and put them in a box of crisp cornflakes. (paper crunching) There's never been a cereal like new Post Cornflakes & Strawberries A splash of milk and instant strawberries bloom. (crunching) See for yourself, strawberries inside a box of cornflakes. - Strawberry! Announcer: Post Cornflakes & Strawberries new fruit in the box cereal. Another fine product of General Foods.