Narrator: Most famous skyline in the world. It's the custom for ocean travelers to watch it's magnificent beauty until it fades from sight. It's so compelling that, ah oh, why the double take? Wouldn't you know. Pretty girl, beautiful complexion, and the girl who gets the double take gives her complexion Camay's double care. Yes, double care with cold cream Camay. The soap that gives your skin two ways to beauty. First, a really thorough cleansing for a clear radiant complexion. Second, the smoothing touch of gentle soap containing cold cream. Double care by cold cream Camay. It works wonders for your complexion. Brings out the beauty in you. That's why this girl gets the double take. She gives her complexion Camay's double care. And so should you. For a beauty and bath change to cold cream Camay. The soap of beautiful women.