(drum rolling) Narrator: This is the blade that Pal made. ♪ Stainless steel injector blade. ♪ Narrator: This is the razor that carries the blade that Pal made. ♪ That's a precision stainless steel adjustable injector. ♪ Narrator: This is the feel of stainless steel you get with a shave from the razor and blade that Pal made. ♪ The total unconquered feel of total stainless steel ♪ ♪ Now from Pal and only Pal. ♪ Narrator: And what's the number of comfort shaves you get with the wonderful razor and blade that Pal made? ♪ One, two, three, four, five, six, seven or more. ♪ Narrator: This is the kiss you get from the cook when you come to breakfast wearing the look of a Pal shave. ♪ The comfort feel of stainless steel. ♪ Narrator: A total stainless steel shave ♪ With a razor and blade that Pal made. ♪