(light-hearted music) Puppy: Aw, come on, dad! Wait for me! Aw, now why don't you pick a fence my size? Huh... Oh, well, there's more than one way to skin a cat. (exhales) Oh, boy! What a workout! Huh! No wonder dad beats me all the time! Look how much he eats! He gets two Gaines Burgers for his dinner! Narrator: Yes, because two beefy Gaines Burgers have the nourishment of a one-pound can. Big dog or little dog, you know exactly how much to feed. For a pup, one Gaines Burger is a complete meal, completely balanced, with everything a dog is known to need and like every day. And so convenient too. No mess, no fuss, no refrigeration. Gaines Burgers, the canned dog food without the can. Another fine product of General Foods. Puppy: Gee, I can't wait to grow up and be a two-Gaines Burger dog!