- Loser tells her she has bad breath. - Okay, go. - Uh-oh. Brother: You lose, give her the Scope. - Not this babysitter, she's tough. - Remember yesterday morning, you said, "Mrs. Oglethorpe, you could spank me for this, but you've got bad breath." - But she'll tell Mom. Brother: Go on. - Tell her with Scope first thing in the morning, her breath will be fresher for hours. Tell her Scope lasts. Once in the morning does it. - Go on Robbie, you lost. - Mrs. Oglethorpe. - Oh Robert, it's you dear. Scope. I just saw a commercial for that. It said the first thing in the morning and your breath will feel fresher for hours. I'm going to try it. Robbie, you've been very brave. Not like some people I know. How about a nice piece of chocolate cake, huh? - Okay. Announcer: Scope. Once in the morning, does it.