- Officer, what's the trouble? - Your sleigh? - Yes? - Double parking, blocking a hydrant, obstructing traffic. - But I was only Christmas shopping! - Christmas shopping? - Just for a moment. - At Chemical New York, a bank? - Why yes! look, some people like money for Christmas. - Who doesn't? For Groundhog day, I like money. - Well, Chemical New York has a nicer way to give it. You see, a personal checking account comes in this bright gift stocking. Inside, 100 name imprinted checks. So personal. - Maybe my 18 year old would like that - Why yes! A son, a daughter, a wife, and just $10 or more to start the account. Now, do I get that ticket? - Well, we'll let you off this time. - I'll be dropping in on you! - Dropping in? Narrator: Give money this nicer way. Another helping hand from Chemical New York.