- Hello, this is Rex Marshall with some special news just for you folks who live in this area. Big news about an amazing coffee sale that's going on at your neighborhood grocer's right now. 10 cents off the regular price on the large jar of Instant Maxwell House. Look for this display featuring this special sale jar that gives you 10 cents off the regular price on Instant Maxwell House. Now, this is great news for those of you who are already acquainted with Instant Maxwell House. And it's even greater news for those who have yet to try it. Because this gives you such a wonderful opportunity to get acquainted with this truly fine coffee. This, you know, is real coffee in a revolutionary new form. You can see for yourself. It's not a powder, not a grind either but millions of tiny hollow flavor buds of real coffee. Ready to burst instantly into that wonderful good to the last drop flavor. Yes, that is real coffee. As delicious as the best you've ever brewed. You know, even at regular prices, Instant Maxwell House costs you less per cup than ground coffee. And with 10 cents off the regular price, well you just can't beat it. But this sale is limited. So hurry to your grocer's before he's all sold out. Look for this display and this special sale jar. 10 cents off the regular price on Instant Maxwell House. The amazing coffee discovery.