(sirens) - Know who may be all washed up? Your present regular gasoline because when new improved Texaco fire chief turns it on it can block your knock off. Truth is, new Texaco Fire Chief actually blocks off engine knock in 50% more cars than regular gasoline ever did before. That's no drop in the bucket. (sprays) You say you don't knock on your ordinary regular gasoline? Well, come on in anyway. You'll go out with smoother, livelier, all-around performance and it's still regular-priced. You say you do knock, well why get soaked by higher-priced middle-grade blends when at even money this pump here will turn the trick. Either way, try new improved Texaco Fire Chief. It's the regular-priced gasoline that says, "I can block your knock off!" Come in at Texaco and take the plunge! (sprays)