Announcer: Listen. (machine buzzes) (machine buzzes) - That's the sound of the most remarkable invention since Schick introduced electric shaving. The sound of the new Schick 3 Speed razor. Hear it. (machine buzzes) (machine buzzes) Three speed! You pick the speed that shaves you best. That's right. New Schick 3 Speed is the first and only razor that lets you shift the speed. Shift the speed and adjust the shaving head, to shave as close as fast as you like. Why is speed control so important? Now you can shift to high, for the stepped-up expert rival wiry beard need. Or shift to low for say a thick heavy beard and get real low gear husky power. Three speed! You pick the speed that shave you closest. And only new Schick 3 Speed lets you adjust the shaping head itself. Here, it's in the high position for a smoother, more comfortable shave, no matter how tender your skin. A simple click and into the medium or low position to go after tougher, thicker, growing whiskers. New Schick 3 Speed; speed control plus head control. Actually, a combination of controls to shave as close as fast as you like. New Schick 3 Speed! Set the speed, set the head, set the shave to fit your face. See this remarkable new Schick 3 Speed for yourself. Most stores will gladly give you a free demonstration.