- Police patrol, take your places. Men, I know I can trust you. You won't let anyone squeeze new Charmin bathroom tissue. - Right, Mr. Whipple. - Right, Mr. Whipple. - Not even if they say, new Charmin is even more squeezably soft than before. - Right, Mr. Whipple. - Right, Mr. Whipple. - Not even when they say, Charmin is more irresistible now. - Right, Mr. Whipple. - Right, Mr. Whipple. - You'll tell them. All: Please don't squeeze the Charmin. - You can trust the youth of America. - Ooh. I didn't think they could make Charmin any softer. - It's more squeezable than ever. - Stop! Stop! The minute I turned my back. - But how can you say no to your mother? (kids laughing) Narrator: New Charmin bathroom tissue. Now more squeezably soft.