- There was one guy who was extremely repressed, you could say. He was a Saudi national. He was right in front of me and a very large guy. And he's always on antidepressants that promote - that is, He was not there I think. Mentally. Unless he was just acting. Um. And just one day he was praying. And he was like, (chuckles) "nobody's praying." And I was, I was washing up with everyone just started praying. I was behind. And I looked over and all I could see him do something with his bed sheet and I looked over carefully and I thought "What's he doing? And I thought, it kind of like got me. You know. I thought "what is he doing?" And I was watching and watching and watching and Eventually he starts ripping the sheet. Cause obviously the sheet, it's not like too thick to put through the mesh. So he rips it, he ties a knot, feeds it through and he can, he like going for the (surprised noise) tying it. And then he ties it around his neck he gets onto what- the sink - and he jumps off and he's hanging and he's making a noise "ahhh" he can't breathe. And me and Shafiq, and Assif was in one low, in one row, it was like the next area. And they also wasn't praying (laughs) We was about to pray. We was all washing up, and um Assif shouted "MP, someone's trying to hang himself." MP - we call the soldiers MP - and uh they, they came rushing down. Actually ran past his cell, (laughs) They ran passed the cell, made it to the end of- 'cause, 'cause it's hard to see through the mesh because of so many mesh, you know, it's hard to see. And of course it's night, which makes it, you know, quite hard to see. More. Then he comes back, it was all "over here, over here" And he came back, he opened the door and the guy was like an obese, basically. The guy who was hanging. So he was very, very fat. Um and uh I think there's about three of them and they're struggling to lift him off. So he was hanging for a long time because of his weight, and they couldn't like flip him and lift him and get the um sheet off. It took him about like 10 minutes and he was like nearly, nearly out. So that was one incident. And there's another incident that happened with a normal guy. He tried to kill himself. There's one guy, in isolation - who succeeded. Apparently. But from what we know, his name was Michelle. He was also in um the first prison that I was in. I was arrested by the Northern Lights. So I know him quite well. He was in isolation and apparently he tried to hang himself and he actually um he never died, but his brain was starved of oxygen. So that it's made him a cabbage basically. So he's, he's paralyzed from - Did you see him after? = Yeah. I've seen him after. - How did you see him afterward? - I went to the dentist to get my teeth done, had a root filling in my tooth. I'd paid. And he was actually, um, always he was not - after what happened to him, he was not actually brought back to the camp. He was always actually handcuffed to the bed even though he was a cabbage.