(distant train horn blaring) - Mr. Wipple, why are you peeking on Mr. Hoffmeier's store? - Hoffmeier's letting them squeeze the Charmin. I can't believe it, look! - Mr. Hoffmeier, how come you let us squeeze the Charmin? - I give my customers what they want! And Charmin's so big and fluffy, they want to squeeze it! Measure it yourself! - Gee, Charmin's big and fluffy, all right. - It's so squeezably soft, it's irresistible. - Oh, look, Wipple's peeking at us. - Oh, peeky-poo, there Wipple. Don't be shy, come in! Oh, Charmin's so big and fluffy, I'm letting the ladies squeeze it. - Hoffmeier, I can't believe you're letting them squeeze the Charmin. - In my store, Wipple, anybody can squeeze the charmin. Anybody but you. Announcer: Charmin, so big and fluffy. So squeezably soft. - It's irresistible!