Narrator: The place: Boston, Massachusetts. The guests: a group of typical American mothers. The occasion: an informal round table discussion. Behind the scenes, movie cameras filmed the discussion so you could hear selected excerpts. Listen. - It was nice to go and have the dentist pat you on the back and say, "Good work. Your teeth are fine." Interviewer: Well, how can you help your family have good teeth? - Watching what your children eat, proper brushing, and taking them to the dentist. Interviewer: Do you think toothpaste can help? - A year ago, I didn't think so, but now I really do. I haven't changed my habits. The only thing we've changed is the toothpaste. This year, the little fella, only one cavity. "Yippee!" he says. "We'll always use Crest!" (mothers laugh) - The Crest commercial, it says, "Fewer cavities over a period of two years," or whatever. If they said, "Tomorrow, their teeth will be better." But they say in a year or two years. So I don't project that fast. - Well I think that Crest is being very honest by not making a hasty claim and saying that, "Well, tomorrow, your teeth will be much better." Other mother: That's true. - Well, that's true, but I don't that. Gee I use Crest today because two years from now or a year from now - Well I think perhaps because my children seem to be much older. It just seems suddenly they're older. And I should have done this or that a few years back. I wish I had thought of them on Crest when it first came out so that I would see now Other mother: See the difference. - I would see the difference that you - With your own toothpaste, recognize that Interviewer: This mother is referring to the fact that only Crest has recognized the effective against cavities by the American dental association. Their council on dental therapeutic says Crest has been shown to be an effective decay preventive dentifrice that can be of significant value when used in a conscientiously applied program of oral hygiene and regular professional care. - I said, well, that's it. We're going to start on Crest now. See what happens. Narrator: Shouldn't you start your family on crest? Crest. Proved effective against cavities in 11 years of tests.