- An integrative evolutionary approach to examine sexual selection as a mechanism of speciation (Meeting)22
- Evolutionary informatics: supporting interoperability in evolutionary analysis (Meeting)22
- Evolutionary shifts in vertebrate visual ecology and visual system morphology (Meeting)22
- Floral assembly: quantifying the composition of a complex adaptive structure (Meeting)22
- Modeling the diversification of human languages (Meeting)22
- Modeling variation in gene networks (Meeting)22
- Montane diversity in space and time: linking evolutionary biology and macroecology (Meeting)22
- Nescent education/outreach group meeting (Meeting)22
- Nescent/arc-nz research network for vegetation function wood anatomy and wood density meeting (Meeting)22
- Relaxed selection and trait loss in evolution (Meeting)22
- Synergistic evolutionary learning consortium: evolution in action (Meeting)22
- Synthesizing and databasing fossil calibrations: divergence dating and beyond (Meeting)22
- NESCent Hackathons (Center Project)21
- Transitions between Mutualism & Parasitism: Integrating Theory & Empiricism (Meeting)21
- Building tools for emerging model systems in development, evolution, and ecology (Meeting)20
- Costs of phenotypic plasticity and adaptation to novel environments (Meeting)20
- Developing an integrative algorithmic method for historical biogeography (Meeting)20
- Domestication as an evolutionary phenomenon: expanding the synthesis (Meeting)20
- Germination, trait coevolution, and niche limits in changing environments (Meeting)20
- How does cognition evolve? (Meeting)20